“Sustainable Design: Learning to Build a New Environment for a Livable Future”

February 10, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm

 Marina Huissoon,  Architect and Principal of Green Propeller Design will present

“Sustainable  Design: Learning to Build a New Environment for a Livable Future”

Brought to you by CFUW Oakville and our Environmental Actions Matter group

Marina will introduce us to sustainable design for the built environment and review the problem of suburbia in the context of climate change. She will share lessons from elsewhere and also solutions close to home that can be a foundation for positive change in suburban and urban design in the future.  She will offer proposals on how we can all contribute to a better built environment in Oakville and Halton
An access link to the zoom virtual presentation will be sent to all members in due course


Permanent link to this article: https://cfuwoakville.ca/event/sustainable-design-learning-to-build-a-new-environment-for-a-livable-future/