Long-Term Care Day of Action National Town Hall

May 4, 2021 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

RSVP and Register at http://cutt.ly/LTC-action

Long-Term Care Day of Action National Town Hall  on zoom  Take Action for LTC Justice presented by Canadian Federation of University Women

Speakers will include:

BC Seniors Advocate, Isobel MacKenzie and others from the NB & NL Offices of the Seniors Advocate.

From New Brunswick, Gavin Kotze, Director of the Seniors’ Branch of the NB Child, Youth and Seniors’ Advocate Office and Robert Savoie, Supervisor of Individual Case Advocacy.  From Newfoundland:  Pamela Dawe, the Systemic Advocacy Consultant for the NL Seniors’ Advocate office

Permanent link to this article: https://cfuwoakville.ca/event/long-term-care-national-town-hall/